- Rolad Properties and Allied Services Limited is a company borne out of the resilience, doggedness and entreprenuerial spirit of a team of excellent and intelligent individuals with a combined experience of over twenty (20) years into creating solutions in the sphere of Real Estate

Improve overall site architecture and navigation to enable easier browsing and a more frictionless experience

Create a more user-friendly and more visual product story with improved navigation and filtering

Build out a robust customer relations management system

Dramatically improve SEO performance and content marketing opportunities

Implement a fully responsive solution backend

- Rolad Properties and Allied Services Limited is a company borne out of the resilience, doggedness and entreprenuerial spirit of a team of excellent and intelligent individuals with a combined experience of over twenty (20) years into creating solutions in the sphere of Real Estate

Bringing it all together
Rolad Properties and Allied Services Limited is a company borne out of the resilience, doggedness and entreprenuerial spirit of a team of excellent and intelligent individuals with a combined experience of over twenty (20) years into creating solutions in the sphere of Real Estate